General English Course

Fast Facts

  • small groups (3-9 students), all language skills
  • general English 
  • daily homework assignments
  • 6 levels
  • regular testing
  • 20 lessons per week
  • daily schedule (Mon-Fri)
    • 1st group lesson 9:00 am to 10:40 am
    • BREAK
    • 2nd group lesson 11:00 am to 12:40 am


We really believe in the advantage of studying in small groups. Unlike many institutions which advertise “small” groups, our groups really are small! We have as few as 2 students in some cases and our average group size is 5 (and maximum 8). In a small group, students get more attention and our teachers can be more responsive to their needs to Learn English in Canada. As a student, you have more opportunity to talk and interact with the teacher and your classmates. Observes ESL Teacher Randy, “it is easier for students to gain confidence in using the language when they don’t have to speak in front of a large group”. Moreover, everyone “gets to know each other well and becomes very comfortable expressing their ideas in English.”

Course Content

  • based on American Headway textbook series
  • 6 levels – Beginner, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, High Intermediate, Semi-Advanced, Advanced
  • each level correlates to TOEFL, TOEIC, and IELTS score ranges
  • 6-8 weeks per level
  • regular testing (eg. biweekly) and opportunity for promotion
  • includes use of coursebook, workbook, access to audio download centre, MultiROM (optional), and online practice materials (optional)
  • supplemental materials include frequent handouts for grammar, vocabulary, Canadian culture, business English, and idioms

Learn English in Canada, English Language Learning Centre